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About Us


You’re never “too old” and it’s never “too late”

Welcome to Transitions Herbal, a traditional-meets-modern apothecary that believes you’re never too old, too gray or too tired to live your best, most beautiful life.

Led by Symone, a green-fingered herbalist with a passion for healing the ever-growing minds, hearts, and bodies of aging adults, Transitions Herbal formulates handmade, sustainably sourced, well-researched and above all, highly effective products that help active, aging bodies to embrace their healthiest, happiest selves at every age, stage and transition of life.

Bridging the gap that connects the age-old with the new-age, we blend time-tested and contemporary herbal wisdom with, modernized extraction methods to optimize the bioavailability of the plant’s ‘superpower’ - aka "getting medicine where your body needs it" like a pro so you can feel restored and renewed.

Integrating hours of classes, study, practice and love, our fundamental purpose is to create medicinally potent formulas that are born from the knowledge of nature and crafted for the joy of living. Supporting aging adults to live, move, laugh and dance with a newfound pep in their step.


Meet Symone

Founder, Transitions herbal

I'm Symone, a herbalist passionate about helping everyone live with more ease. My love for plants began growing up in Texas, where I spent summers in my grandparents' garden and mixed puddles of water with leaves. Little did I know, those summers were the beginning of finding my passion.

Eventually, my garden plants became more than just food - they were allies and companions on my healing journey. I dove into learning as much as I could about herbal medicine and later began handcrafting herbal formulas for myself, my family, and my friends to support our bodies and minds in maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle while managing the changes that come with getting older. I think of herbs as close friends, gently guiding our bodies and minds in the right direction.

Understanding herbal traditions, contemporary research, and assisting others fires me up! I'm a forever student currently pursuing my Registered Herbalist designation from the American Herbalist Guild.

Transitions Herbal is the culmination of hundreds of hours of study, practice, and love. My personal mission is to help our bodies, hearts, and spirits live with a little more "heck yeah! ", and it is my deepest hope that you find that here.

Philosphy of Healing

For the love of bioavailability.

Because we want your body to access the plant’s superpowers efficiently and effectively, we use novel methods to extract and deliver the active compounds in herbs. Our extraction process both concentrates and enhances the beneficial aspects of plant allies. The end result? potent, fast-acting formulas with superior bioavailability and minimal side effects - aka "getting medicine to the tissue" like a pro.

Philosphy of Healing

Why herbal application routes matter.

Just like a roadmap to your wellness, delivering herbal medicine through appropriate application routes is key to optimum effectiveness. While most herbal products rely solely on ingestion, we believe the gastrointestinal tract is not always the most efficient path to all body systems. Which is why Transitions Herbal formulas are available in sublingual, nasal, and topical forms using natural, organic carriers to transport herbs directly into the bloodstream or through the skin into muscle tissue. This multi-modal delivery system ensures that the selected herbs’ effects are maximized throughout the body without sacrificing flavor.

Sustainability Commitment

Eco-friendly practices

Our Pledge to the Planet: Eco-Conscious from Soil to Shelf

At Transitions Herbal, we see the art of wellness as a harmonious symphony with nature. Our eco-friendly practices are a testament to a deeper promise—a vow to cherish and safeguard the environment that cradles us all. As a proud partner of 1% for the Planet, we dedicate a share of every sale to nurturing the earth, ensuring that your journey to wellness also contributes to the planet's flourishing.

Guardians of Vitality: Our remedies are encased in UV light-resistant bottles, designed to protect the integrity of our formulas from sunlight, UV rays, and oxidation. These aren't just containers; they're guardians of vitality, engineered to extend the life of our products. And their journey doesn't end with the last drop—each jar stands ready to be repurposed, embodying our belief in a circular economy where nothing is wasted and everything is valued.

Giving Back: Rooted in Responsibility

Giving Back: Rooted in Responsibility

Transitions Herbal is more than a brand. Our dedication to giving back is as natural as the herbs we work with.

We believe in the power of community and the strength of collective action. As a woman-owned and black-owned enterprise, we stand at the intersection of tradition and empowerment.

Our roots run deep with United Plant Savers, where, as an herbal business member, we actively participate in conserving medicinal plants. It's a partnership that reflects our deepest values—growth, healing, and preserving herbal wisdom for generations to come.

By aligning with organizations that share our vision, we're not just giving back; we're growing forward together by cultivating a world where sustainability and well-being walk hand in hand.

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